Hosted by the International Bilingual School at Hsinchu Science Park
President: Gavin Lo (KAS)
Dep. President: Sean Teng (HIS)
Honorable chairs (which is me), fellow delegates, and the most esteemed guests. I'm Gavin Lo, a sophomore from Kaohsiung American School. It is my utmost pleasure to be able to serve as the president of HRC in HSINMUN XIX. This will be my 8th conference and the second one chairing in. During my free time, I enjoy singing, watching movies, traveling, and fighting with my family about politics. When I look back on my Model UN journey, I vividly recall attending my first-ever conference, STMUN 2021. The night before the conference, I was nervous and frightened about the speeches and debates that were about to take place. But after the first day of the conference, I fell head over heels in love with MUN. The thrill of debate and the opportunity to collaborate with peers from diverse backgrounds ignited a passion in me that continues to grow. Hence, to all new delegates, please stay relaxed and just do your best during the conference! I assure you that it will enlighten your perspectives on the world and make you lots of friends. That being said, to all delegates, let's together mark HSINMUN XIX as our most memorable conference ever! I look forward to the intense and enthusiastic debate in HRC this year~ All best wishes in preparing, and I hope to see you soon in October!
Hi delegates! I'm Sean Teng, a junior at Hsinchu International School. You have no idea how thrilled I am to serve as your chair for HRC!
HSINMUN XVII was one of my first conferences, and I was a timid delegate who didn't understand my stance and MUN procedures. Three years later, I have attended ten conferences with some embarrassing but mostly fond and unforgettable memories. While trying my best to stay professional and diplomatic during debates, I often pitch in witty amendments and speeches, and I strive to bring that energy to everyone in the conference room. After all, MUN is more than just a dull and tedious extracurricular that colleges favor. It should be a fun, exciting experience for all attendees.
Aside from MUN, I love listening to metal at a dangerously high volume, watching the NBA, singing, and playing the clarinet and bass; moreover, I was on the Taiwanese national fencing team (hoping for the best this year). Initially, I may seem introverted and quiet, but I secretly would love to strike up a conversation with you (typical ISFP behavior)! Please don't hesitate to contact me @seannt23_ with any questions or concerns. I promise to make this conference the best one you will ever attend!
Can't wait to see y'all in October!